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A + 3 : Asos - Cephalonia's never completed new Capital

Asos from the South - we arrived from the North - the photo is from the Internet

Internet connection are so weak that I had to stop writing blogs. Have to wait for good 4G connection which is still rare here in Greece. We made it safely from Corfu to lovely Parga and then to Lefkada where we got chased out of Santa Maura Fortress which is being restored with EU money. Seems they need no visitors any longer ....

The Plan for the Fortress in 1690 - Walls and the Citadel were built but not the Town

Today's we are visiting Cephalonia's never completed new Capital. Given the Turkish threat to their island, the Venetians believed they needed a capital which was more easily to defend and had a better harbour. But the Turkish threat disappeared after the Morean War and construction was halted.

Asos from the Air - the Citadel is easily visible

The Fortress as seen from the Fisher Village Asos

View to the Northern Bay from where we came - faintly visible is Lefkada Island

View of the Village from the Citadel - our sail boat, the Carpe Diem V to the left

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